Healthy (and delicious) menu ideas for your next event

Feeding a crowd can be a challenge, especially when you’re trying to accommodate a wide variety of dietary restrictions, food allergies, and personal preferences. At Savoury City Catering, we love to get creative with our bespoke event catering services. Our culinary team is always happy to rise to the challenge when it comes to developing creative menus for health-conscious clients and their guests, whether they’re vegan, vegetarian, pescatarian, paleo, gluten-free, lactose-intolerant or keto.

Here are some of our go-to healthy food and drink options that are sure to satisfy your pickier party guests.

DIY yogurt parfaits

Kick off your early morning event on a nutritious note by swapping out sugary pastries and starchy breakfast sandwiches in favour of a fun and interactive make-your-own yogurt parfait station. Offer guests a high-protein Greek yogurt base alongside an array of serve-yourself topping options such as fruit compote, sliced berries and bananas, homemade granola, nuts, flax, chia seeds, shredded coconut, nut butter, milk and dairy-free substitutes like coconut, almond or oat milk. If you’re planning a breakfast event during the cold winter season, consider serving warm steel-cut oats instead of yogurt for a hearty and nourishing start to the day.

Fish and seafood options

Cater to pescatarian pals and party guests who are trying to cut back on their red meat consumption by offering plenty of seafood-forward bites and mains as part of your event menu. The Pacific Northwest is home to an abundance of local, wild, sustainable fish and seafood and the Savoury City culinary team always recommends taking advantage of our regional bounty as much as possible. If you’re serving finger foods, consider sushi and sashimi, individual ceviche cups, cold poached prawns, fresh-shucked oysters, tuna tostadas, or crab cakes. For more robust mains, tuna and shrimp salad are popular lunchtime options while an evening meal could include grilled fish tacos, seared scallops, or a filet of sockeye salmon paired with roasted vegetables and rice. Nourishing grain bowls Looking for a satisfying alternative to the standard lunchtime soups, sandwiches, and salads? Filling grain bowls packed with nourishing starches like brown rice, soba noodles, farro, couscous or quinoa are a popular choice among the health-conscious corporate crowd. These colourful bowls can be loaded up with fresh salad greens, cooked or raw vegetables, nuts and seeds, lean meats and wholesome proteins, all tossed in an appetizing dressing for a seriously satiating midday meal.

Alcohol-free alternatives

Plenty of folks choose to abstain from alcohol for a variety of personal and health-conscious reasons, so it’s always a good idea to have a selection of zero-proof libations on offer at the bar for any event. Creative mocktails, non-alcoholic beers, cold-pressed juice, fruit punch, smoothies, coffee, and tea are all delectable and healthy options for sober party guests. You may even want to consider serving a signature cocktail or two featuring a mix of zero-proof distilled spirits, bitters and fresh fruit mixers served in stylish glassware adorned with a festive garnish.

Hearty vegetarian mains

Vegetarian meals don’t have to be unsatisfying – there are plenty of filling plant-based alternatives to traditional animal proteins. Wow vegetarian and meat-eater guests alike by getting creative with hearty vegetables that deliver a substantial chew such as marinated cauliflower steaks, Portobello mushroom burgers, or pulled jack fruit tossed with sweet barbecue sauce.

Colourful fruit skewers

For a low-calorie dessert that still delivers a hit of sweetness, try serving a platter of fresh fruit skewers. Individually portioned and easy to consume at a standing event, these handheld sticks are both healthy and versatile and can be pierced with virtually any type of firm fruit – think chunks of mango, pineapple, kiwi, strawberries, grapes and more.

Interested in learning more about Savoury City Catering’s bespoke event catering services? Contact us today to learn more about our creative, health-conscious menu options.